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SPF - Assessment
Step #1: Assessment
The purpose of this step is to understand local prevention needs based on a careful review of data
gathered from a variety of sources. These data help planners to identify and prioritize the substance
misuse problems present in their community; clarify the impact these problems have on community
members; identify the specific factors that contribute to these problems; assess readiness; and
determine the resources required to address those factors. Ultimately, a thorough and inclusive
assessment process helps to ensure that substance misuse prevention efforts are appropriate and
on target.
To conduct a comprehensive assessment of prevention needs, prevention professionals gather data
about each of the following:
The nature of the substance misuse problem in the community and related harmful behaviors
Risk and protective factors that influence substance misuse problems, particularly those of high priority in the community
Community capacity for prevention, including readiness and available resources
Information on the Strategic Prevention Framework provided by:
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2019. "A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework"
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